18.I — 30.VIII Exhibition Text is Not Our Type dedicated to the form of the book at the National Library of Latvia
22.XI — 30.III Exhibition Gleizds, Paper, Scissors on photographer Jānis Gleizds at Pauls Stradiņš Medicine History Museum.
17.I — 31.III The exhibition of the autochrome collection at the temporary premises of the Latvian Museum of Photography at Kronvalda bulvāris 4, Riga
13.II — 30.III Exhibition Safe Space by the Ukrainian illustration platform Pictoric at the National Library of Latvia
15.II — 18.V Baltic contemporary glass art exhibition Layers at the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in Riga
04.III — 28.II Exhibition Modernist and Art Deco Posters in Latvia in the 1920s–30s at the Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum