The Latvian Literature platform is announcing this year’s first open call for foreign publishers and translators offering an opportunity to receive a grant for publishing, promoting and translating Latvian literature abroad. Projects can submitted until February 22.
The Latvian Literature platform invites translators and publishers who have experience working with Latvian authors or have interest in publishing or translating Latvian literature to take part in the grant competition. The aim of the grant programme Support for Foreign Publishers Publishing Latvian Literature is to ensure that the best of Latvian prose, poetry, drama, journalism and children’s literature is accessible and known beyond the borders of Latvia.
Any foreign publisher who is a legal entity and has experience working with foreign authors is eligible to take part in the grant programme. Grant applicants can apply for financial support of up to 3000 euros to cover book production costs. In exceptional cases, a commission of experts may decide on allocating a greater amount of funding for one book if the project is viewed as remarkable for its artistic qualities and has special potential from the perspective of promoting Latvian literature.
Financial support for translators who wish to translate Latvian literary works into foreign languages is also available. In order to qualify for funding consideration, the translator must submit a completed application form, a CV, a sample translation, and a letter of intent or an agreement signed with a publisher for publishing said work. The translator may apply for a grant only if permission has been received from the original copyright holder to produce a complete translation of the entire literary work.
The deadline for applications is February 22. Each project must be completed by December 1.
More information about the competition and submition can be found on the Latvian Literature website.
The contest takes place two times a year. The programme is developed, organised, and administered by the Latvian Literature platform, and is financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.