Tomorrow, on February 6, a new art and design gallery, Part Time, created by artists Liene Pavlovska and Oskars Pavlovskis, will open in Grīziņkalns with a group exhibition, which shares the same title as the gallery. The inaugural exhibition will bring together artists, illustrators, and designers Evija Pintāne, Jana Ribkina, Lotte Vilma Vītiņa, Oskars Veilands, Paula Rietums, and Zigmunds Lapsas to visually reflect on the relationship between the work of art and time.
Part Time is a new, non-commercial gallery in Grīziņkalns, Tallinas iela 94, run by Liene Pavlovska and Oskars Pavlovskis, artists and founders of the association Neatlaidība. Its name — Part Time — is both a metaphor and a play on words, and a direct reference to the economic uncertainty faced by artists of different generations. It is also a reference to the gallery’s focus — the coexistence of visual art, design ,and architecture in one space. Liene Pavlovska explains that Part Time is conceived as both a space for process and a meeting place with the viewer, serving as a platform for art, design, and architecture practices that are rooted in practical and theoretical research and that are sensitive to the local context of Riga, Latvia, and the wider region of Northern and Eastern Europe.
In 2025, the gallery will collaborate with artists, designers, and architects working with the visual language of spatial art and contemporary drawing. The collaboration will result in two group exhibitions and five solo exhibitions by artists and designers based in Latvia, Norway, Italy, and Lithuania. This year’s programme is united by the desire to talk about what is important for artists and designers through a visual and spatial language, leaving emotional and intellectual space for both mistakes and unexpected successes.
In the inaugural exhibition, Part Time, the individual experience of the artists — Evija Pintāne, Jana Ribkina, Lotte Vilma Vītiņa, Oskars Veilands, Pauls Rietums, and Zigmunds Lapsa — is manifested in metaphorical and multifaceted images that reveal the fragmented and challenging working process of the contemporary artist, while inviting to reflect on the personal «parts of time» of each viewer.
The exhibition will open on February 6 at 18.00 and will remain on view until March 7. The gallery is open on Thursdays and Fridays from 15.00 to 18.00 and on Saturdays from 12.00 to 16.00. You can follow Part of the Time on the gallery’s Instagram account.
