Animation by Katrīna Sadovņikova
Illustrator and graphic designer Ingus Sproģis is a visual storyteller whose works combine the modernist style of illustration with modern details to create dynamic and expressive compositions. For inspiration, Ingus collects various historical visual materials, and in the Nice Touch section, he talks about how to easily extend his physical collection into the digital world.
Nice Touch Editorial November 1, 2024
«Although I work primarily in digital media, I often draw inspiration from the analogue world and physical objects. Pre-computer-era designs often surprise me with their visual vitality, colour combinations, and positive naivety, which I would like to see more of in a contemporary context. Vinyl album and tape covers, cards, magazines, and other visuals from the past are a huge source of inspiration for me. Anything that speaks to me, I collect in physical form or take a picture of.
When I don’t have time for a lazy stroll through record shops and thrift stores, I take a previously photographed example and continue my visual exploration digitally:

find a picture, for example, of a record cover design that I’ve taken with my phone;
go to Pinterest to find similar material, upload the image via image search (camera icon in the right corner);
select an image fragment with the magnifying glass icon (selecting different image fragments can lead to different results);
save the images I like on a private Pinterest board, so I don’t have to worry about a perfectly curated selection.»

Ingus Sproģis was previously a part of the design studio Asketic, where he worked on such brands as Jānis Roze, Latvian National Theatre, Alūksne Culture Centre, and Silmachy. Currently, he works as a freelancer, creating a bridge between graphic design and illustration. You can follow Ingus’s creative work on his website and Instagram account.