Animation by Katrīna Sadovņikova
For more than three years, Edgars Kuzmins has been the creative director of the advertising agency Magic, and this year he has also become a partner at the company. Edgars is the author of a number of award-winning works that have been recognised at both local and international advertising festivals. In the Nice Touch section, Edgars talks about what helps him focus on his work.
Nice Touch Editorial July 19, 2024
«When I go deep into solo work, I like to play different background sounds on my headphones. At the moment, I’m hooked on pink noise. These are low-frequency sounds that calm you down and help you to focus, or so they say in various scientific studies. Anyway, pink noise works really well for me — it helps me to dive deeper into the process and shut out the noise around me.»

Magic is the largest creative agency in the Baltics, and for almost 30 years they have been creating compelling brand stories, humorous ads, as well as socially relevant campaigns that draw public attention to serious issues.