The zine and small press festival Sābrs invites artists, small publishers, zine makers, and authors of other printed works to revise their stock and apply for participation in the festival, which will take place on July 6 and 7 for the third time at the Āgenskalns Market. The deadline for applications is June 6.
«Don’t let your books and zines gather dust — bring them to Sābrs! It’s your yearly chance to dive into the nutritious broth of small press, art, exhibitions, workshops, and picnics of course — don’t forget the picnics. Every zine collector knows that zines are a good investment for their library. They are also a currency in themselves, allowing you to exchange them for other zines if you have enough in stock to swap some. Since the fair will be held at a marketplace, there will be a few places where you can get yourself some soup too!» says the call of the festival.
The theme of this year’s Sābrs is Stocks, which the festival organisers, illustrators Jurijs Tatarkins and Rebeka Lukošus, invite us to consider in a broader sense. «At first, we thought of stock as inventory, but when communicating with the audience, we discovered that the word has several popular meanings in English, including soup or broth, cattle (live stock), and also shares (stocks). We decided to adopt all meanings of the word for the festival so that this year’s theme could be interpreted in as many different ways as possible,» Jurijs explains.
The main event of Sābrs, the zine market, will take place on July 6 and 7 at the Āgenskalns Market. You can apply for the festival until June 6 by submitting the application form. You can follow the latest news about the festival on the Sābrs Instagram account.