Blue–Yellow Mirror Beam by Germans Ermičs, up for auction to help Ukraine. Photo by James Harris
We have rounded up Latvian creative professionals and companies that offer assistance to Ukrainians or donate revenue from their products and services sold to Ukraine. We will continue to update this list, so if you have something to offer or notice a new support initiative, please send information to info@fold.lv!
Stories Editorial March 2, 2022
Products, services and events
- Jewellery brand RO Studio will donate all proceeds from the sale of heart–shaped pendants to support Ukraine.
- On March 12, the Drink and Draw community is organising an event Three Naked Truths with a discussion and sketcing of a nude model at Lapsas Māja. Part of the proceeds from the sale of tickets will be donated to support Ukraine. On March 18, an exhibition of works created at the event will be opened in the Zvaigzne Cafe, where sketches will be available for purchase for donations — all the proceeds will be used to support Ukraine.
- Art media Arterritory organises an online charity auction Supportissimo, where it is possible to buy works donated by Latvian artists.
- Underwear manufacturer Lovin’ offers a set of silk scrunchies to support Ukraine. All proceeds from their sale will be donated to the Ukrainians.
- The Kalve coffee roastery will donate all the profits from the coffee blend dedicated to the painter Vilhelms Purvītis to support Ukraine.
- Designer store Miesai offers a cup Rise With Ukraine. All proceeds from its sale will be used to support Ukraine.
- In exchange for any donation in support of Ukraine, the cosmetics producer Madara Cosmetics offers to choose free hand and body soap in a thematic package. Offer is available at the brand’s stores in shopping centres Alfa, Akropole, Galerija Centrs and Spice.
- The manufacturer of recycled concrete interior objects Sowa Stone has created a special lamp, which can be obtained at a charity auction.
- The designer of the clothing brand «Talented», Indra Komarova, is sewing flags of Ukraine, available in exchange for a donation to «Ziedot.lv» to support Ukraine. More about the initiative — here.
- Art galleries 427 and Low will host a charity screening of a work by the Ukranian video artist duo Yarema Malashchuk and Roman Himey at Stabu Street 70, on Friday, March 4, at 18.00. More about the event — here.
- Theatre Gertrudes Ielas Teatris will host a charity screening of the opera film Baņuta on March 9 at 19.00. All proceeds from the sale of tickets will be donated to support Ukraine.
- The clothing brand For Lovers and Trees is organising a 30 km charity hike along Amata on Sunday, March 7.
- The clothing brand Vara will donate all its proceeds to humanitarian aid in Ukraine.
- The artist’s paint manufacturer Essee will donate all proceeds from the sale of beeswax crayons Crayeti to support Ukrainian children.
- Photographer Miks Užāns is offering photo sessions, donating all proceeds to support Ukraine.
- Screen printing studio Radada is offering special T shirts. All proceeds from sales will be donated to support Ukraine.
- Publishing house Milda books will donate all proceeds from the sale of books to support Ukraine until March 17.
- Clothing brand Be–with is donating 20% of its proceeds to support Ukraine.
- Clothing brand MCouture is donating 25% of the total of each purchase to Ukraine.
- Sanitary ware manufacturer Casa Di Vanna will donate a portion of the proceeds from each product sold.
- Jewellery workshop D29accessories is donating 20% of their income to support Ukraine.
- Glass artist Laura Šmideberga has created a jewellery collection dedicated to Ukraine. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the jewellery will be donated to support Ukraine.
- Sportswear brand Estrada is donating 10% of the total of each purchase.
- Designer Germans Ermičs is organizing a charity auction of his work. It is open for bids until March 4. All proceeds will be donated to support Ukraine.
Job opportunities and office space
- Architecture and design studio Sampling offers work for two Ukrainian architects or designers. Students in these fields are also invited to apply.
- Design media group Interior offers two jobs for Ukrainians — a social media manager and a marketing specialist.
- Design studio Intrante offers jobs to two Ukrainian interior designers.
- Brigita Bula Architects offers a job to a Ukrainian architect.
- Design studio Asketic offers a job to an experienced Ukrainian designer.
- Design office H2E offers a job to a Ukrainian designer.
- The VV Foundation offers places for four Ukrainian artists or creativs at the Pavilosta artists’ residence PAiR. Along with accommodation, studio and work materials, the VV Foundation will also cover travel expenses and assist with legal issues. More about the residence — here.
- Candle maker The Munio donates candles to the people of Ukraine.
- The organic sportswear brand Muta will donate two boxes of clothing to Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in Latvia.
- Visual communication and design agency BrandBox is offering fully equipped 300 square meters of office space in the VEF quarter to Ukrainian refugees. The company would also like to hire two graphic designers, one layout designer, two or three programmers, one UX specialist, one UI specialist, and one office cleaner. The Brandbox team is ready to get involved by helping with information campaigns, as well as the development of information materials and platforms. The company invites you to contact them for possible assistance by writing to agnese@brandbox.lv.
- Design studio Nord ID Riga is offering a job to a Ukrainian graphic designer or layout designer.
- Clothing brand For Lovers and Trees is ready to hire Ukrainian freelance photographers, producers, videographers and content creators, as well as social media managers. The company can also accommodate two people in its office space. More about the initiative — here.
- Design studio Overpriced is offering office space for four Ukrainian creative professionals.
- Design studio Digital Karma can host up to six Ukrainian designers or creative professionals in its office.
- Ed-tech platform Edurio is ready to host 20 Ukrainians in its office.
- The app Zero Punkt, which mainly deals with the circulation of zero–waste products, has now become a platform where anyone who needs help or can offer it can publish their advertisement. There is an interactive chat for each ad that makes communication easier. The application is available here.
- Alice Trautmane, founder of the Narciss clothing brand, is offering Ukrainian fashion designers free representation on the clothing retail platform Doors and its pop-up store in Los Angeles.
FOLD would like to thank everyone who responded to our call and shared the support initiatives of Latvia’s creative industries! We plan to update this list, so if you have something to offer or notice a new initiative, send us a message — info@fold.lv!