As the holidays approach, the organisation ISSP has launched a new project, «ISSPPP X + X» — an interdisciplinary poster art exhibition and fair. It will feature 20 carefully selected, thematically and stylistically diverse works by promising young Latvian artists in poster format. Ten photographers and ten illustrators are participating in the project. The opening event will take place on December 6 at the ISSP Gallery, and the exhibition and fair will continue until December 28.
On Friday, December 6, at 19.00, the opening event of the poster art exhibition and fair «ISSPPP X + X» will take place at the ISSP Gallery. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the authors of the works exhibited, hear their stories and enjoy a pleasant evening with a DJ.
«By organising a poster exhibition and fair, we would like to introduce a wider audience to young Latvian artists, as well as to make the works of already established authors more accessible. A poster is a simple and tasteful way to make one’s home more attractive and invite art into it. We have decided to include the work of both photographers and illustrators in this selection, promoting a more active interaction between these two dynamic fields of art,» elaborates Jūlija Berkoviča, curator of the «ISSPPP X + X» project.

The poster collection features ten Latvian photographers and ten illustrators, including internationally renowned names alongside emerging talents. Each poster expresses a unique creative vision and employs a different technique. The participants of «ISSPPP X+X» are photographers Andrejs Strokins, Annemarija Gulbe, Eva Saukāne, Ieva Balode, Iveta Gabaliņa, Kārlis Bergs, Katrīna Ķepule, Kristīne Madjare, Reinis Hofmanis, Sandijs Ruļuks and illustrators Agate Lielpētere, Evija Pintāne, Līga Spunde, Lote Vilma Vītiņa, Mārtiņš Zutis, Oskars Pavlovskis, Pauls Rietums, Svens Neilands, Zahars Ze, Zane Zlemeša.
The exhibition and fair will be held from December 7 to 28 at the ISSP Gallery at Marijas iela 13, k3, Bergs Bazaar, Riga. Opening hours of the ISSP Gallery: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 12.00 to 18.00, Wednesdays from 12.00 to 20.00. Free entrance. Posters will also be available at the ISSP online store.
