«Runner’s Guide to Riga», the eleventh episode of the «Insider’s Guide to Riga» short film series, is out aiming to promote Riga as an attractive city–break destination and home of the first Gold label marathon in Northern Europe. Directed by Jānis Nords, the latest short film shows the Rigans as true running fans.
The «Insider’s Guide to Riga» short film series promotes the capital city of Latvia by using witty visual stories that feature both fictional characters and local celebrities. The latest episode «Runner’s Guide to Riga» is a bit different because its main character is a reporter from «World News». «This video continues the «Insider’s Guide to Riga» advertising campaign while having a new task — to show Riga as a place where a world–class event, the IAAF Gold Label marathon takes place. We usually find out about such events from news reporters without an opportunity to verify the information, so we decided to create a storyline on Riga as a running capital in the comedy genre showing documentary footage from the actual marathon at the end of the video,» comments the creative director of «DDB Latvia» Vairis Strazds.
The «Runner’s Guide to Riga» was published on Facebook at the end of September and since then the video has reached almost 130 thousand people from all around the world. The episode was created in collaboration between the Riga Tourism Development Bureau Foundation and advertising agency «DDB Latvia» which came up with the concept of the «Insider’s Guide to Riga». The director of the new episode is Jānis Nords, project director — Ance Jēkabsone, copywriter — Reinis Piziks, designer — Toms Vilītis. The producer of the video is Augustinas Katilius («Nonsense.tv»), camera operator — Jurģis Kmins.
The short film series has received many awards, including the silver medal of the prestigious New York Festival TV & Film Awards.
Data on the increase in tourists during 2017 and 2018 shows that this campaign was one of the most successful in the history of Riga’s tourism marketing — Latvia experienced the fastest growth in the past 25 years among European Union states in terms of the number of tourists staying overnight in hotels and other tourist accommodation.
