Exhibition «100 Experiments», curated by designer Anna Butele, brings together 100 world-renowned architects in a chain of inspiration. The exhibition is on view at the architecture gallery «Aedes» in Berlin until September 26.
The exhibition «100 Experiments» brings together a sequence of 100 works, each functioning both as a source of inspiration as well as an interpretative product. In 2017, Anna Butele handed Theo Van Doesburg’s painting «The Rhythm of a Russian Dance» (1918) to architect Gary Bates («Space Group», Norway) as an inspiration. His interpretation was then passed on to subsequent architects to serve as a source of inspiration and impetus for their contributions. Continuing the chain of inspiration, contributions have been made by renowned architects from 28 countries, including Suo Fujimoto (Japan), Sam Jacobs (UK), Marina Tabassum (Bangladesh), Do Ho Suh (South Korea), Alexander Savvich Brodsky (Russia), Tom Wiscombe (USA), Anne Holtrop (Netherlands), and many others. Depending on the input and personal experience, the contributions change and shift, often in opposite directions: from rational to irrational, interior to exterior, personal to public, local to global, submissive to dominating. In the gallery, one hudred drawings, photographs, and collages form a cloud above the heads of visitors, accompanied by texts written by the authors.
Designer Anna Butele founded the design agency «Annvil» in 2004. Based in Riga, Latvia, «Annvil» spans across a diverse portfolio including designs for commercial, residential, hi-rise, office, and neighbourhood master plans. In 2017, Anna Butele furthermore established «Cobalt», an architecture and design company in Baku, Azerbaijan.
The exhibition is on view at the architecture gallery «Aedes» in Berlin until September 26. A printed publication is expected to follow soon.
