Last week, a new magazine dedicated to Latvian art and culture «Jezga» was launched in Riga. It is an independent publication in English and has two different covers. In its pages, the readers can get acquainted with works by the new generation of Latvian artists, photographers, and writers.
The first issue of the «Jezga» magazine features interviews with actress Elīna Vaska, painter Alvīne Bautra and fashion designer Sanda Feldberga, as well as an article on artist’s Indriķis Ģelzis exhibition «Skeleton of the Wind» by curator Dana Kopel with photographs of the exhibited works. Actor Klāvs Mellis, illustrator Sindija Mačtama, and publicist Alise Pabērza share their reflections on various topics. Also in this issue — a fragment from the novel «Doom 94» by Jānis Joņevs. The magazine focuses on visual art, putting a great emphasis on photographs by emerging Latvian authors such as Pēteris Vīksna, Kristīne Madjare, Annemarija Gulbe and others.
The creators and editors of the magazine are London–based Latvian photographer Anna Rosova and graphic designer Will Meighan. Anna says that, in her opinion, the potential of creative self–expression is sometimes even bigger in Latvia than in London: «We begun to create the «Jezga» magazine because we saw that we have many talented friends and acquaintances around us who use their creative energy to develop Latvian art scene and identity. We wanted to give these people a platform to popularize themselves also abroad.»
It is planned that the magazine will come out twice a year, continuing to introduce Latvia through the prism of emerging artists, photographers, musicians and other creatives.
The magazine «Jezga» is available at the gallery «Istaba» and art café «Kolekcionārs» in Riga, as well as online. Its price is 9 euro. The magazine opening in London will take place on July 5 at bar «Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes».
