Last week the eighth annual «radi!» Creativity Week began in Latvia, aimed at raising awareness and interest in the development and interaction of creative and cultural sectors. Honouring the 100th anniversary of Latvia, a more interactive and more focused programme for radi!2018 is planned since unlike previous years, Latvian regional centres have been chosen as the main venues for events.
This year, the «radi!2018» events will particularly focus on the active engagement of the united regions of Latvia and their inhabitants, including young people, bearing in mind the message of the centennial and carefully adding to the calendar of cultural events. The basis for the creative activities of the week is the image of Latvia and the vision of a progressive future, through which on the way to the centenary of the state jointly demonstrate Latvia’s creative ideas, past achievements, economic growth, creative education, innovative entrepreneurship and smart state governance. The main accent is planned on solutions for future challenges by applying the methods of design thinking. Focusing on every citizen of Latvia as part of the nation–building process and at the same time strengthening cooperation with other parallel projects and events complementing the ideas and messages of «radi!2018», the related promotion of social entrepreneurship launched in our country will also be created.

In 2018, the Creativity Week is planned to be expanded to a body of seven events organized by the «radi!2018» team. Several interactive inter–branch entrepreneurship promotion seminars, with the participation of experienced foreign experts, are expected to take place this summer within the «radi!2018» programme, and every interested person is welcome. During these events, challenges important for the regions and their residents will be resolved by applying creative methods of design thinking, involving and uniting representatives of various industries, professions and institutions and generating solutions needed by the end users facing the challenges.
The closing event of «radi!2018» will be a look back at the common work of the past six months, which is expected at the end of August at the startup festival «iNovuss».
«Creativity Week «radi!» this year will also urge society to look at various processes through the prism of the application of creative industries and, especially, the design thinking method. Keeping pace with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Latvia we will highlight the creative and unique potential of the regions. Along with rapid global changes, we must be able to follow the news and use everything that provides added value to the promotion of well–being. Interdisciplinary activities may also significantly promote economic growth in the regions, as well as the labour efficiency and welfare of residents. Therefore, four important «radi!» events will also take place in the regions this year,» comments Lilita Sparāne, Head of the Creative Industries Division, Cultural Policies Department, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.
Partners of «radi!2018» are Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the British Council in Latvia, Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture, UNESCO Latvian National Commission and the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia.