The applications for the ISSP International Masterclass 2018/2019 with renowned photography tutors Peter Bialobrzeski, Clare Strand and Gordon MacDonald are open until January 10, 2018. The year–long programme will begin with a workshop in Kuldīga (Latvia) in next March.
The ISSP International Masterclass is a year–long international mentorship and networking programme for emerging photographers. The programme is practice–based and runs in two thematic classes led by experienced photography tutors. During the year, 24 selected photographers (12 in each class) develop their artistic and documentary projects under the guidance of the tutors, through physical workshop sessions in Latvia and in Sicily and online feedback.
The programme is meant for both self–taught photographers and recent graduates from academic programmes, who wish to pursue an extended personal project and take their practice to the next level. The Masterclass is the next step in a serious career in photography, offering the participants regular mentoring, networking and international exposure opportunities and a support structure for developing a conceptually strong body of work.
The ISSP International Masterclass is organised by ISSP, a non–commercial education and networking platform for emerging photographers. The tutors for the upcoming cycle are documentary photographer Peter Bialobrzeski (Germany), photographer Clare Strand (UK) and curator Gordon MacDonald (UK).
Applications are open until January 10, 2018. More information on the application process as well as detailed descriptions of the masterclasses can be found on the ISSP website.
