On July 29 and July 30, MAD International Summer School of Design invites to public lectures and workshop in Sigulda, where design, art, craft, science and permaculture experts will share their experience and knowledge.
The second MAD International Summer School of Design will take place in Sigulda from July 28 to August 6 and will focus on traditional and urban farming. During the Summer School, the Sigulda castle will be turned into an indoor farming workshop, where six work groups of international students will seek practical solutions for world’s overpopulation and nutritional problems. Those who are interested are invited to participate in public lectures at Sigulda Cultural Center, Raiņa iela 3, Sigulda.
July 29
«Physical elements in digital environment» by Anny Wang and Tim Söderström («Wang & Söderström», Denmark). «Wang & Söderström» is a Copenhagen based creative studio with a focus on digital explorations, design and production. The studio strives to create mind tickling and unexpected experiences through materiality and technology and their hyper–real driven work has been realised on international range
«Micro factory — the new production methods» by Katharina Mischer («Mischer‘traxler», Austria). «Mischer’traxler» studio develops and designs objects, furniture, processes, installations and more, thereby focusing on experiments and conceptual thinking within a given context. Works by «Mischer’traxler» studio have been displayed in numerous museums and at international festivals and fairs. Their projects can be found in the permanent collections of the Art Institute Chicago, the Vitra Design Museum, the MAK Vienna and others.
«Art and environment» by Daria Melnikova (Latvia). Daria’s artistic practice involves research of public spaces, human’s habits and behaviour there. Recent exhibitions include a solo show at «ISSMAG Gallery» in Moscow and group show аt «Silberkuppe Gallery» in Berlin.
«Art = Industry» by Oskar Peet and Sophie Mensen («OS ∆ OOS», Netherlands). Studio «OS ∆ OOS» tries to find the balance between form, material and their relation to the surroundings and the user. The majority of work borders the line of design and autonomous objects and these efforts results in neither a product nor pure artistic expression but a culmination of the both.
«Melancholy of the disconstrued meanings» by Ádám Albert (Hungary). Adam currently works as an associate professor in Hungarian University of Fine Arts. In 2007, he won the 1st prize of the «ESSL Art Award». His latest solo exhibition was «Dream of a Barn Owl» in «Kisterem Gallery» in Budapest, and he participated in Ludwig Museum’s «[Silence]» — a holocaust exhibition, as well. His works are on display in the Hungarian National Gallery’s permanent exhibition.
«Experimental food experience» by designer Mārcis Ziemiņš and fashion stylist, TV personality and event management professional Gundega Skudriņa («Untamed Dinner», Latvia)
Bosch Demo day.
July 30
Permaculture session «Smart Edible Forest» by Claude Oprea (United Kingdom). Claude Oprea is a certified permaculture designer and facilitator and a member of the Permaculture Association. He teaches permaculture design courses, runs workshops in schools, foraging walks in the city as well as acts as a consultant for projects like «Terra Perma» in Montreal, Canada. Claude is also a healer and owner of «Bear Hands Holistic Massage» and plant artist, having created immersive large scale plant installations at Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts and at Boomtown Fair.
Do it Yourself Biolab design session, growing of Superfood «An algae reactor» workshop by Xiamyra Daal (Netherlands). Xiamyra is the concept developer of the «Open Wetlab» at the institute for art, science and technology — «Waag Society». She now coordinates the «Do It Together» Bio workshops and guides the «Open Wetlab» evenings where she shares her fascination and enthusiasm for biology with everybody.
All lectures will be held in English and will take place at Sigulda Cultural Center, Raiņa iela 3, Sigulda. Entrance is free of charge. More information is available on MAD International Summer School’s webpage.