Last summer the first International Summer School of Design MAD took place in Sigulda. From March 18 to April 13 a photo and video report of the past events, the works created during the summer school, as well as design and art objects by MAD tutors will be shown at the exhibition «MAD Days Riga», at Dzirnavu iela 41, Riga. Also, public lectures will take place.
The name MAD for the International Design Summer School is derived from the keywords describing the concept of the school — Man and Design. Last year, MAD Summer School in Sigulda brought together young design professionals from several European universities, the Eindhoven Design Academy, Saint Martin College of Art and Design in London, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, and the Latvian Academy of Arts, as well as lecturers and workshop leaders. A wide variety of industries was represented during the summer school, such as design, crafts, contemporary art, architecture, and gastronomy.
Last year MAD summer school focused on an integral part of human life — food and its enjoyment. Throughout the week students and teachers experimented with space and materials, combining ancient craft techniques with modern technology to create design objects that convert eating into a multisensory adventure.
All those who are interested can view the works created during MAD International Summer School of Design, photos and videos taken in process, as well as design and art objects by internationally recognised MAD professionals — on display from March 18 to April 13, in the exhibition «MAD Days Riga». In the exhibition participate Germans Ermičs, Jānis Straupe, Jēkabs Dimiters, Evita Vasiļjeva, Mārcis Ziemiņš, «Studio Rygalik», Rihards Funts, Toms Lucāns, and the participants of MAD 2016.
On March 20 at 19.00 as a part of the exhibition two open lectures dedicated to the design processes will take place. Free entry, language — Latvian. Their experience will share designer Germans Ermičs, who this year was nominated by magazine Wallpaper for the title Next Generation Designer of the year, and artisan and businessman Jēkabs Dimiters, whose well–known brand «John Neeman Tools» this year transformed into the guild of craftsmen «Northmen».
International Design Summer School MAD is organised by Rihards Funts and Liene Kuplā, with support of Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation, Sigulda District Council, and «Mass Portal». During «MAD Days Riga», the application for the program of MAD Summer School 2017 will be announced. More information about the summer school, it’s ideas, program, and the tutors is available on its website and Facebook page.
The exhibition «MAD Days Riga» will run from March 18 to April 13 at Dzirnavu iela 41, Riga. Opening March 17 at 19.00. Exhibition hours: Tuesday to Friday 15.00 to 19.00, Saturdays and Sundays 12.00 to 15.00, Monday — closed.
