«Nordea» invites start–ups to apply for the new season of the acceleration programme, which will begin on September 12 this year. For the strongest financial technology (FinTech) companies of the competition, the programme will offer an intensive practice programme as well as a possibility to raise up to 1 million euros in funding. The applications are open until August 7.
The «Nordea» start–up accelerator is an intensive three–month programme having the purpose to help start–up companies from the Baltic and Nordic States Region to promote the development of their business with greater success. The goal is to identify new, innovative digital solutions which will create additional added value for the bank’s customers. Within the framework of the acceleration programme, the new entrepreneurs will work in close cooperation with external entrepreneurs, international technology specialists and «Nordea» experts, thus discovering broad business opportunities for the start–up companies in establishing new contacts, attracting cooperation partners and funding.
The 50 most promising teams within the competition will receive an invitation to the course and the week of selection for the competition which will take place in August in Oslo, Norway. Up to 30 of the best newly established companies will start cooperation with «Nordea» this autumn in order to develop their business ideas.
The «Nordea» acceleration programme offers insight into the business environment and an opportunity for the start–up companies to develop and offer innovative solutions by making them into real products and services, provides access to the market, potential customers and data bases, as well as takes care of mentoring and exchange of experience with experienced entrepreneurs and FinTech experts. Investments of up to 1 million euro from «Nestholma Venture Accelerator», the main cooperation partner of the programme, and from others is also one of the potential benefits.
«One of the challenges for the newly established companies within the framework of the programme shall be to come forward with ideas related to the latest technologies, such as the cognitive computing, the use of artificial intelligence for banking and financial management, as well as the Blockchain technology,» according to representatives of «Nordea» start–up acceleration programme.
The first «Nordea» programme of this kind took place last winter, and by the end of the season 12 successful business ideas of the new entrepreneurs, including «Nordigen» received investors’ funding and continued development of their elaborated service.
Applications for the programme may be registered by August 7 at the homepage of «Nordea» start–up accelerator.