«Popper Publishing» has published yet another edition, dedicated to illustration. As on previous occasions, it contains works by Latvian and foreign artists, this time revealing the intangible transition between dimensions.
«The definition of interdimension forms a different concept of time and space. If we perceive time as a dimensional object then the present is the interdimension of the future and the past. The present is an unperceivably brief, almost nonexistent moment. In essence it does not exist,» artist Oskars Veilands describes the thoughts that inspired the authors of the twelfth illustration edition «Interdimension» by «Popper Publishing». The violet illustrations of the magazine reveal «things that do not really disappear — they only acquire new materiality and form», vague figures, geometric shapes, references to the characteristics of different periods of time. There is also a rhetorical guess in the work by Andrejs Lavrinovičs: «Maybe this planet is another planet’s hell.»
The issue features works by Latvian artists Oskars Veilands, Kaspars Groševs, Līva Rutmane, Aksels Bruks, Mārtiņš Ratniks, Margrieta Dreiblate, Darja Meļņikova, Marija Luīze Meļķe, Līga Spunde, Viktors Timofejevs, Maija Kurševa, artists’ group «3/8» (Jānis Dzirnieks, Rihards Rusmanis, Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Jānis Krauklis), Katrīna Čemme, Kristaps Zelmenis and Zane Zelmene, Māris Bišofs, Liene Rubane, text author Tomass Pārups and editor of the issue Andrejs Lavrinovičs. Illustrations are made by foreign contributors too — Gfeller + Hellsgård, Vanessa Dziuba), Laimonas Zakas, Dunja Jankovic, Fanny Pápay, Tommi Musturi, Eric Shaw, Malarky and David Méndez Alonso.
«Interdimension», as well as another new publication from «Popper Publishing» — an illustrated book «Bad Trip» by Maija Kurševa — can be purchased online or at stores.
