«Popper Publishing» has published a voluminous edition «Systems», devoting the 232 pages to contemporary and post–internet art, abstract forms, colour, geometry, visualisations generated by biological and mathematical processes, and outer space.
The upsurge of the internet and the digital environment of the 1990s has inevitably changed the perception of an image and hence the art itself, and their future progression. Artists, facing a new medium and continuing the ideas of 20th century avant–garde and conceptualism, laid the foundations for a new direction — Net Art. With the lapse of time, overgrown with layers of popular culture, flow of mass information, digital possibilities and interpretations, it has grown into post–internet art.
The issue features works by Latvian artists Andrejs Lavrinovičs, Arturs Koršs, Atis Jākobsons, Darja Meļņikova, Eltons Kūns, Ēriks Apaļais, Gints Gabrāns, Henrijs Preiss, Ieva Kraule, Jānis Dzirnieks, Kaspars Groševs, Katrīna Neiburga, Klāvs Loris, Krišs Salmanis, Lazy Bra, Līva Rutmane, Maija Kurševa, Mārtiņš Ratniks, Pēteris Noviks, Reinis Lismanis, Viktor Timofeev, Voldemārs Johansons, as well as foreign contributors Arnaud Loumeau, Bianca Brunner, David Mendez Alonso, Dunja Jankovic, Emmanuelle Pidoux, Erin O’Keefe, Frances Malthouse, Gfeller + Hellsgård, Ian Stevenson, Kottie Paloma, Laimonas Zakas (Glitchr), Letha Wilson, Mark Whalen, Tracy Widdess and others. The editors of «Systems» are Andrejs Lavrinovičs and Maija Kurševa, and the printed publication follows the exhibition «Systems», displayed at the National Library of Latvia this summer.
To buy «Systems», find your nearest store on «Popper’s» website or order online.
