As part of the Latvian contemporary design exhibition and event cycle «Design Manifestation», «Design Walks» are taking place in Riga, revealing the processes behind graphic, product, interior and food design. This weekend, March 13 and 14, the Interior Design Walk will offer a glance on recently created and restored interiors of Riga’s public buildings.
Space is a physical manifestation of the culture and label of an enterprise. During the Interior Design Walk, 13 different public establishments, design studios, businesses, salons, stores and bars will open their door to public, inviting to meet the authors of the projects and hear the story behind the interior.
The route of the walk includes the mortgage loan division of «ABLV» bank, Elizabetes Park House, «Z–Towers» demo–apartments, Competence Centre «Lielvārds», «Ogilvy PR Latvia» office, publishing house «Rīgas Viļņi», architecture and design studio «Xcelsior», finishing material salon «ViDEA», shoe salon «Madam Bonbon», «Apple» store and bar «iBAR», cocktail bar «XIII», «Modernists» store and club, and brand store of «NelleUlla». Everyone is welcome to visit the studios, salons, stores and spaces of enterprises, yet some of the hosts have to be informed before the visit.

Friday, March 13
Competence Centre «Lielvārds»
Baznīcas iela 20/22. Open for visitors from 10.00 to 18.00. Interior: Mārtiņš Pīlēns, 2014.
«Ogilvy PR Latvia»
Public Relations agency, Stabu iela 10, 6th floor. Open for visitors from 13.00 to 17.00. Interior: Gunta Lapiņa, 2015.
Publishing house «Rīgas Viļņi»
Kaļķu iela 15, 5th floor. From 12.00 to 13.00 guided tours by design and architecture critic Kristīne Budže will take place. Visitors must register until 18.00, March 12, by calling 67842577. Interior: Zane Tetere, 2011.
Demo–apartments, Daugavgrīvas iela 9 and 9a. Open for visitors from 11.00 to 16.00, at 12.00 a meeting with the author of the interiors will take place. Visitors must register until March 12, by writing to ztowers@ztowers.lv or calling 29384999. Interior: «Xcelsior», 2015.
Friday and Saturday, March 13 and 14
Cocktail bar «XIII»
Strēlnieku iela 1a. Open for visitors from 16.00 to 01.00, on Friday from 17.00 to 17.30 a meeting with the author of interior design will take place. Interior: Sintija Vaivade, Madara Vēza, 2014.
Brand store of the chocolate label «NelleUlla», Audēju iela 1. Open for visitors on Friday from 10.00 to 20.00 and on Saturday from 10.00 to 19.00. On Friday at 14.00, a meeting with the author of interior design will take place. Interior: Santa Meikulāne, 2014.
Publishing house and store of architecture, design and lifestyle magazine, Ģertrūdes iela 62. Open for visitors on Friday from 10.00 to 19.00 and on Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00. On Friday at 14.30 a meeting with the author of interior design will take place. Interior: Mārtiņš Pīlēns, 2014.
«Madam Bonbon»
Women’s shoe store, Alberta iela 1–7a. Open for visitors on Friday from 11.00 to 19.00 and on Saturday from 11.00 to 15.00. On Saturday at 12.00, a meeting with the author of interior design will take place. Interior: Mareks Birznieks, 2013.
«Apple» store and bar, Blaumaņa iela 12. Open for visitors on Friday from 10.00 to 01.00 and on Saturday from 11.00 to 01.00. On Friday at 13.00 a meeting with the author of interior design will take place. Interior: Anna Butele, Diāna Kula, 2015.
Finishing material salon, Brīvības gatve 211. Open for visitors from 11.00 to 17.00. Interior: Zane Tetere, 2014.
Architecture and design studio, salon, Raņķa dambis 1. Open for visitors on Friday from 11.00 to 19.00 and on Saturday from 11.00 to 14.00. On Friday at 10.00 and on Saturday at 11.00, a meeting with the author of interior design will take place. Interior: «Xcelsior», 2014.
Saturday, March 14
«ABLV» bank
Mortgage loan division of «ABLV» bank, Elizabetes iela 21a. Open for visitors from 12.00 to 17.00, at 13.00 and 16.00 a meeting with the authors of interior design will take place. Visitors must register by writing to fb@ablv.com. Interior: «H2E», 2014.
Elizabetes Park House
«Art Deco» stairway restoration, Elizabetes iela 21a. At 15.00 a guided tour by the author of interior design will take place. Interior: Reinis Liepiņš, «Sudraba arhitektūra», 2013.