As part of the Latvian contemporary design exhibition and event series «Design Manifestation», «Design Walks» take place in Riga, revealing the processes behind graphic, product, interior and food design. March 27 and 28 will bring the concluding Food Design Walk, inviting everyone to taste, cook, relish and experiment, as well as to get to know a different shopping experience.
While the phrase «food design» still sounds slightly odd to our ears, it’s settling more comfortably in the guidebooks of other lands and cities. Food design is considered to refer both to a new experience in gathering ingredients, cooking a meal, and to the process of feasting itself. Food design knows both parsimony, and excess, also local patriotism and mixture of cultures, traditions and molecular technologies.
The Food Design Walk has been divided into two directions: «Workshops. Performances. Participation», that invites for an active involvement in preparation of food, experimentation and relishing, and «A different kind of shopping» that will offer a diverse shopping experience, focusing on «slow–food» principles and purchasing of natural, locally cultivated production whilst supporting farmers with a fair payment. Everyone is welcome to take part in workshops and performances, as well as visit and shop at the farmers markets. The attendance of workshops and performances has to be registered beforehand.

Workshops. Performances. Participation
Friday, March 27
«Laima» chocolate museum
A chocolate workshop of making unique sweets. The amount of participants is limited, and attendance must be registered until March 20, by calling 66154777. Participation fee for adults — 16 euro, for children — 14 euro (during Design Walks a discount of 10% is applied). Workshops will take place at 11.30 and 14.30 at Miera iela 22.
Friday and Saturday, March 27 and 28
Design ± meal
A performance for those who are open to the world and wish to experience new nuances in relishing and thinking of food. Chef — Andris Jugāns, «Kuk Buk», scenography and design — Mārcis Ziemiņš, producer — Gundega Skudriņa, «Skudras metropole». A mini exposition «A Bite from Gastronomic Performances» will be on display at the premises. Attendance must be registered until March 20 by writing to info@stilsbeztabu.lv. Participation fee — 50 euro. Performances will take place at 17.00 and 21.00 on Friday, and at 18.00 on Saturday at Lāčplēša iela 55.
Good Taste Workshops
A collective walk to purchase products at Riga Central Market and cooking with Līva Kļaviņa. An interplay of aromas, colours, and thoughts. Meeting point — «Siļķītes un dillītes» cafeteria at Riga Central Market between the vegetable and fish pavilions. The amount of participants is limited, and attendance must be registered until March 20, by writing to garsas.darbnicas@gmail.com. Participation fee — 23 euro. Workshops will take place at 16.00 on Friday and at 11.00 on Saturday (3 hours) at hotel «Mercure», Elizabetes iela 101.
Saturday, March 28
3 chefs tapas show
Sessions with one, two or three chefs from the «3 Chefs Restaurant» will take place from 11.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 14.00 at Torņa iela 4, 1st floor. The amount of participants is limited, and attendance must be registered until March 20 by writing to 3pavari@3pavari.lv. Participation fee — 8 euro.
Cake workshop at «Lapsas māja»
An opportunity to learn cake baking skills with Liene Zemīte. The amount of participants is limited, and attendance must be registered until March 20 by writing to madara@h2e.lv. Participation fee — 15 euro. The workshop will take place at 10.00 (2,5 hours) at Mārupes iela 3.
Eating ritual. Design process
Krista Ose, a student of Department of Environmental Art at the Art Academy of Latvia, invites to look into, inquire and feel the process behind the making of her masters diploma work. The amount of participants is limited, and attendance must be registered until March 20 by writing to krista.ose@gmail.com. Participation is free of charge. The workshop will take place at 12.00 at the Art Academy of Latvia, Kalpaka bulvāris 13.
A different kind of shopping
Friday, March 27
Slow–food farmers market
Shopping centre «Sky&More», Duntes iela 19a. Open for visitors from 12.00 to 19.00. Good, pure and honest food for everyone — both for its producers, and consumers.
Friday and Saturday, March 27 and 28
Farmers twenty–four hours market
The reconstructed territory of manufactured goods market of Spīķeru, Gaiziņa, Pūpolu iela, entrance from Gaiziņa iela. The shopping area of local agricultural produce is open from 5.00 to 7.30.
Saturday, March 28
«Slow–food Rīga» farmers alley
Kalnciema Quarter market, Kalnciema iela 35. Open for visitors from 10.00 to 16.00. The movement «Slow–food Rīga», initiated by Mārtiņš Rītiņš, supports pure, seasonal, local eatables, and a fair payment for farmers work.
«Bazaar» at Berga Bazārs
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Berga Bazārs. Open for visitors from 10.00 to 16.00. Fresh produce, grown in Latvian farms. One of the first places to speak to Rigans in a green manner.