Šovasar Latvijā jau desmito gadu pēc kārtas pulcēsies fotogrāfijas mākslinieki un interesenti no visas pasaules, lai piedalītos starptautiski atzītu fotogrāfu meistardarbnīcās un diskutētu par nozares aktualitātēm. Pieteikumi Starptautiskajai Fotogrāfijas vasaras skolai Kuldīgā tiek gaidīti līdz 20. aprīlim.
International Summer School of Photography (ISSP), which started in 2006 as a one–time event in Ludza, is now known among professionals as the best photography summer school in Europe. Each year more and more photographers and visual artists from all over the world apply to the course. This year, ISSP is going to take place from August 1 to 9 at the Pelči castle near Kuldīga. Celebrating the 10th anniversary, the organisers offer an excellent selection of world–class tutors, as well as a saturated evening lecture and discussion programme, which is open for the public.
In the anniversary year, six ISSP masterclasses are going to be led by internationally known and awarded artists representing various fields of photography: one of today’s leading documentary photographers, a member of «Magnum» Jim Goldberg, who works with text and image and often collaborates with marginal members of the society; an author of intimate and emotional portraits, «Magnum» agency’s photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti; the well known British photographer and teacher Anna Fox, in whose workshop the students are going to research the relationship of people and nature, creating new myths. Masterclasses will also be led by the Latvia–residing Alexander Gronsky who in the recent years has gained recognition for studying Russia’s contemporary landscape in his works; one of Japan’s best known photographers Takashi Homma who will lead students in experiments with camera obscura. As books are becoming increasingly important in the photography world, ISSP students will have a chance to make books in a workshop with independent publisher «Akina Books» and photobook expert Nico Baumgarten.

Participants of ISSP will intensively work for 9 days under the supervision of photography professionals, creating works for the final exhibition — photo series, books or multimedia work. For the second year in turn, a special workshop for the youth of Pelči and Kuldīga will be organised.
The official language of ISSP is English. To apply for the summer school, a deep and active interest in photography as an artistic means, as well as a high quality portfolio are required. Applicants from Latvia are eligible for a partial scholarship.
Applications are open until April 20. More information on the application process as well as detailed descriptions of the masterclasses are available on the website of ISSP.
ISSP organisers thank for the collaboration: State Culture Capital Foundation, Kuldīga District Council, US Embassy, «Epson», «BZG» and «iDeal», as well as media partners «FK Magazine», «GUP», «YET» and «Veto Magazine».
