As 2015 is approaching quickly, it is time to pick up a planner for next year: one that is a helpful guide to Rundāle Palace, one with photos made at ISSP or the «Whimsical Agnesiga» one with a potato on the cover. All three are richly illustrated and comprehensible for both Latvian and English speaking users.
Rundāle Palace planner
As Latvia is getting ready for its Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the think–tank «Creative Museum» has created a Rundāle Palace planner for 2015 in collaboration with Rundāle Palace Museum, design studio «H2E» and translations office «Skrivanek». The 50–year–long restoration works of Rundāle Palace have just come to an end, and it can now shine as one of the highlights of Latvia’s public diplomacy.
The planner is an original interpretation of the restoration works of the castle, showcasing 12 interiors as well as revealing Latvia’s belonging to the European cultural space and the nation’s ability to revive cultural heritage of European importance that was once considered lost. Author of the twelve interior photographs, commentaries and the planner’s introduction essay is the director of Rundāle Palace Imants Lancmanis.
The planner is supplemented by an interior route map and videos in which Imants Lancmanis offers a more extensive insight into the history of the palace. The videos are available in Latvian with subtitles in English and French.
The Rundāle Palace planner is available at the Rundāle Palace Museum, co–working space «Birojnīca», stores «NicePlace Mansards», «Paviljons», and the stores of LNMM Brand Foundation.

ISSP planner
The International Summer School of Photography publishes a planner for the third year in turn, and this time it contains works that 53 young photographers made in Kuldīga last summer. 71 photographers from 26 countries, as well as 12 youngsters from Pelči and Kuldīga district participated in ISSP 2014 to work on photo series, books and multimedia.
The planner is made in collaboration with Kuldīga District Council and «Antalis», designed by long–time partners of ISSP Artis Briedis and Rūta Briede of «rabit!!».
The ISSP planner is available online, at Latvian Museum of Photography, as well as the stores «Riija», «NicePlace Mansards», «Taste Latvia», «M50», co–working space «Birojnīca», and elsewhere.

«Whimsical Agnesiga» planner
This is already the fourth year that visual journalist Agnese Kleina publishes her own planner, this time entitled «This Weird Place Latvia». The Latvian grey cover of the planner is decorated with every Latvian’s best friend — a potato, drawn by Agrita Krieviņa. The spreads contain serious and not–so–serious tales about Latvians and their peculiar ways, drawings and photos, postcards by several Latvian illustrators, as well as a pocket for small things. All texts are in Latvian and in English. The planner’s design is by Madara Krieviņa.
«Whimsical Agnesiga» planner is available online, the stores «Paviljons», «Riija», «Manilla», gallery «Istaba», as well as «Direct» paint store – storage in Riga, Liepāja and Daugavpils.
