On May 31 a new digital and interactive exposition on the history of Latvian film «Cinema Cabinet» opens at Riga Film Museum of the Latvian Academy of Culture.
«Cinema Cabinet» is the first exhibition on national cinema of such scope and comprehensiveness. It provides information on the history of Latvian film in a concise way, comparing it to cinematic events in the world. The exposition has been created by an excellent multidisciplinary team: film critics Dita Rietuma, Daira Āboliņa, Anita Uzulniece, film historian Inga Pērkone, film journalists Kristīne Matīsa, Ieva Viese, photographer Agnese Zeltiņa, digital design by «Dd studio» — Jānis Mitrēvics, Dāvids Mitrēvics, Reinis Dzudzilo, music by Jēkabs Nīmanis, scenography by artist Anna Heinrihsone. The digital solution of the exposition has already received an award at an international multimedia art festival in Montreal. In the exposition custom made kinetic objects explain the origins of cinema — the discovery of moving image, as well as film props from Riga Motion Picture Studio.
The exposition is built around six themes:
- Timeline of cinema in Latvia and the world;
- The beginnings of Latvian national cinema;
- Documentary film;
- Animation — authors, studios, films;
- Cinema during the Soviet era, censorship of film;
- Latvian film stars.
«Cinema Cabinet» is going to be available in both Latvian and English. The exposition is open from May 31 at Riga Film Museum, Peitavas iela 10/12, Old Riga (entrance from Alksnāja iela).
«Cinema Cabinet» trailer by Pēteris Līdaka